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Market Share Cutting Tools. Each domestic group company manufactures and sells the products that they specialize in. Together, they offer a broad lineup of products and services, including the manufacturing of carbide materials and cutting tools, coating and regrinding services, as well as sales of machinery.
Grinding Machine. We provide a high-quality grinding machine and tool such Perfect and Peiping, used to conduct various grinding operations. LEARN MORE. DRO System. ... Cikarang Pusat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530 Phone. +62 21 89911241. View on Google Map.
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Marketing and Support Indonesia. Technical and after-sales services for machine tools and industrial machinery. JL, Irian, Blok JJ-4-1 MM2100 Industrial Estate Cikarang Jatiwangi, Bekasi, Jawa Brat 17520. Tel +62-21-4604290 Fax +62-21-4605934.
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ANCA Thailand. Amata City Industrial Estate No.7/303 Moo 6 Tambon Mabyangporn Amphur Pluakdaeng Rayong 21140 Thailand. Tel. +66 3301 8800. Fax +66 3301 8801. thainfo@anca. ANCA Italy Regional Sales Manager. Riccardo Marchesi. Tel. +39 335 5285881. marchesi@anca.
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We offer one of the widest selections of metal grinding equipment to fit your needs, whether you're a knife maker, home hobbyist, or full-time fabricator. Abrasive belt grinders and sanders come in a variety of different sizes for deburring, shaping, sanding, polishing, grinding, sharpening, cleaning, and de-scaling metal.
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